How the love of my life and I struggle to keep our love strong

Monday, October 31, 2011

It just doesn't work

Hello, friends!

It just occurred to me that a lot of things have changed in just a few years. When I was growing up if we wanted to communicate with my aunt that lives in a different city, we had to talk fast on the phone, because long distance was very expensive. If we wanted to communicate something longer we'd have to write a letter, because it was impossible to afford a talk of more than 20 minutes. Letters took forever to arrive (that hasn't changed).
There were no fax machines, no internet (for the most part), no cellphones, no SMSs. Only rich people had computers.

Today we have email, Twitter, Facebook, Skype, webcams, netbooks, laptops, tablets, smartphones... We can contact anybody anywhere in the world. For those that don't have computers or internet connection there are internet cafés. Long distance calls are quite cheap nowadays. Buying things online from China and getting them shipped home is not something out of the ordinary.

So we grew a lot closer as a world, but whenever somebody mentions they are in a long distance relationship the default answer is "it just doesn't work".

Lack of physical contact is annoying and it makes things more difficult, but isn't it time to revise that answer and adapt it to modern times? Long distance relationships were obviously a lot more difficult to keep not many years ago.

I communicate with my girlfriend pretty much every day now. We listen to each other's voice and we can record videos or take as many pictures as we want, in high definition. Long distance relationships are not what they used to.

So, I think that whenever you find someone that's in a long distance relationship, before giving the default answer of "it just doesn't work", be happy that they have someone that cares for them and that loves them. Some of them do work and technology helps a lot with that!


  1. yea it sucks i have alot of friend living far away but indeed internet solved all xD !

  2. "So, I think that whenever you found someone that's in a long distance relationship, before giving the default answer of "it just doesn't work", be happy that they have someone that cares for them and that loves them. Some of them do work and technology helps a lot with that!"

    The best part of your writing. Could not agree more with you.

  3. been there, i had a nice LDR for a few years, it was nice, but in the end didnt work, BUT that doesnt mean it will always happen like that, i knew people who have made it, and its awesome

  4. Unfortunately, a huge part of love is related directly to sex (and exploring each other through touch, smell, all forms of physical contact), this is something that can't be ignored. It simply is what makes that "in love" feeling, incredibly stronger, as you are lovers. Long distance lacks that completely, meaning it simply doesn't work in the long run. :(

  5. I disagree with vague raconteur, it can work if done properly, regular visits, regular communication. If the emotional connection and the commitment is there it CAN work.

  6. I disagree entirely, Vague Raconteur. I've been in a LDR for five years, and we only began to have sex this past year. There is so much more to a relationship than sex and physical pleasure

  7. I TOTALLY agree with you in every way possible

  8. I definitely agree with you: remote contact isn't enough to make a 'fruitful', ordinary relationship. It's just all about the chemistry, close, day-to-day relations, meetings and small 'things' that create the magic everyone's looking for in a relationship. Still, it's good that we have those modern means of communication you mentioned - it surely shortens the distance and can compensate lack of seeing eachother. Just not for too long.

  9. good post! I think through modern technology its not that hard :)

  10. Being that far away from someone isn't good for a relationship. I'd day just let it go. If it was meant to be love would find a way :)
